Christmas Celebration

Christmas is a magical time where hearts grow warmer and dreams shine brighter. 

Christmas, a season filled with warmth, joy, and enchantment – is that time of the year when communities unite to honour the values of generosity, kindness, and love, sharing these blessings with family, friends, and strangers alike.

The day began with a heartfelt prayer, followed by a thought-provoking message that set the tone for the celebration. The children then delved into the deeper meanings behind the various symbols associated with Christmas following which they actively engaged in a creative acrostic poem activity, which allowed them to express how each of us experiences this season in our own distinct way.

The students’ enthusiasm was palpable as they danced to festive Christmas music and sang carols, filling the atmosphere with cheerful energy. Through their performances, they conveyed a simple yet powerful message: to preserve the beauty and brightness in our world, it’s essential that we first nurture the light within ourselves.

Christmas Celebration
Christmas Celebration
Christmas Celebration