Investiture Ceremony

National Public School Whitefield was abuzz with zeal and pride on Friday, 28 June 2024, as the Director, the Principal, the students and faculty gathered for the Investiture Ceremony. This mo-mentous occasion marked the formal induction of the newly elected student leaders of the Council, Clubs and Discipline Committee for the academic year 2024-25.

The ceremony commenced with the introduction of the newly elected council members and out-lining of their roles and responsibilities. The office-bearers for the academic year were presented with badges and sashes, symbolizing the authority and responsibilities of their new positions, by the Director and the Principal. The School Prefect administered the oath of office and delivered her maiden speech wherein she expressed her gratitude for the trust placed in her and shared her vision for the council.

The Principal in her address emphasized the significance of student leadership and the positive impact it has on the school community. As the newly elected leaders embark on their journey, they carry with them the support and expectations of the entire school community.

Investiture Ceremony
Investiture Ceremony
Investiture Ceremony