The management and team of NPS Whitefield are elated to announce that they will have their new campus NPS East, Sarjapur Road, opened in 2023. It is strategically located near the ORR and Bellandur intersection and will be easily accessible to the neighbourhoods of Bellandur, ORR, Harlur, and Hosa Road.
This school, spread over 5 acres of land, will be the largest NPS campus in the region. The 1,50,000 sq.ft. state of the art campus will house all amenities necessary for the holistic development of children.
The management team comprises alumni from NPS Indiranagar, IIT, Purdue, Carnegie Mellon and Wharton, combined with a leadership team from NPS Indiranagar, Koramangla, HSR and Whitefield.
The hallmark of the NPS culture is to impart high-quality holistic education by giving students the opportunities to develop their creative and social skills through a wide variety of programs, under the guidance of Dr K. P. Gopalakrishna, Chairman of the NPS Group of Institutions.
NPS East, like NPS Whitefield, is being built on these principles that will help bring into the classrooms the same zeal and enthusiasm for education at NPS East also.
Curriculum : CBSE
Grades to start: Nursery to Grade 7
Academic Year: 2023 - 24
The well-lit and spacious classrooms at NPS East shall have a smart board and CCTV surveillance, to ensure the safety of each child. Students will be encouraged to decorate their classrooms and display their creative work on the boards.
Apart from Math, Science - Physics, Chemistry & Biology and Computer labs, there shall be a Language lab to help the students explore new languages apart from their mother tongue. The labs shall be well-stocked with equipment, chemicals and aids that assist in the participative and practical learning of the students.
The two libraries at NPS East (one for the early years and the other for Class 1 onwards) shall be home to several books spread across different subjects and languages. The school shall also subscribe to the world-renowned Oxford reading tree for the early years and the Collins Big Cat series for the primary years to enhance reading ability and comprehension. It shall also home plenty of novels and comic books, to encourage the reading habits among students.
Having a separate library for the preprimary students will ensure that the collection of books is based on their interests and reading capabilities. A media library will give access to the students to audio-visual books and other educational documentaries.
A dedicated Music Room and faculty shall be made available to offer a variety of classes covering instrumental and vocal lessons. The Music Room shall have musical instruments available for students to learn and play. NPS East, Sarjapur Road, shall also be partnering with one of the best musical academies for the preprimary and higher classes to offer a comprehensive music curriculum to the students.
Artistic pursuits produce thinking patterns and abilities that transfer to other areas of life. Be it painting or theatre, the art room will be a place where children can explore their creativity beyond books and sports. Special custom-built furniture shall be available to ensure dedicated places to keep the paints and clean open surfaces for painting.
NPS East, Sarjapur Road, shall have more than 2 acres of campus dedicated to the playground with a football ground, a running trail, a basketball court and multipurpose courts. It shall also have a play area and sand pit area for the younger kids to play and explore.
NPS East, Sarjapur Road, shall have a large multipurpose hall equipped with indoor games like badminton, chess and table tennis. Apart from being used for a host of activities, the hall shall also be used for sports activities in case of rainy weather.